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My brother and I grew up together and used to have lots of family trips as kids. Well life happened and I moved away to NYC in 2006 to pursue my dreams and have been gone for 14 years. He of coarse has visited me in NYC and LA but we have not had a real vacation in 20 years. So I decided to take him to SOUTH BEACH MIAMI! I have not been to Miami in yearsssssss but when I do go I always stay at my favorite hotel SHORE CLUB on Collins ave! I love this hotel and this is is why because people always ask me why of all hotels. LETS START FIRST the drinks at the pool one of the best called the shore club martini! Its so good on top of that I love smaller boutique hotels to wear I feel more at home and taken care of. The location is perfect right in the middle of everything. The showers also have really cool tubs inside of them. I took this epic photo inside of it fully dressed I was so sad I was leaving back to LA I figured I would go out with a bang! If your looking for a great hotel with a great vibe and amazing food and service check out the Shore Club.